American Guild of Organists Evansville Chapter Newsletter |
BACH-A-THON II BACH-A-THON II will be held on March 17 at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 5130 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville beginning at 9:00 a.m. and condluding around 5:00 p.m. Last years BACH-A-THON raised more than $3000 for the benefit of the
Mamie Dufford Scholarship Fund. This years event will also benefit
the Dufford scholarship fund. Lets all make every possible effort
to support this event, our annual fund-raising effort, by attending and by
making a pledge or contribution. |
FEBRUARY MEETING REPORT The Evansville Chapter celebrated its 40th anniversary on February 19 at Trinity United Methodist Church, Evansville. Dinner was prepared and served by the Trinity United Methodist Women. A convocation followed in the church santcuary whtere James Thomashower, Executive Director of the American Guild of Organists, spoke on various Professional Development issues. Special recognition was given to Jerry Hoover, Evansville AGO Charter member and Director of Music/Organist at Trinity United Methodist Church. Betty Altheide gave a brief report on the work of the local Professional Development Committee. Chaplain Lynn Renne gave the Invocation and Benediction. Music was provided by organists Neal Biggers, Beverly Lacy, Robert Nicholls,
and Douglas Reed; David Smith, trumpet; and the Handbell Ensemble of St.
Pauls United Church of Christ of Evansville, directed by Barbara
Waite. The assembly participated in singing a hymn-anthem by David N.
Johnson commissioned by the Chapter for its 20th anniversary in 1981.
March 17 Bach-A-Thon, Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 9:00 a.m. --? March 20 Charlie McGary, Historic Keyboards. University Organ Series, Francile MacDonald McGary Organ Dedication Series, University of Evansivlle, Wheeler Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m. March 25 Dr. Marilyn Keiser, Organ Dedication, Salem United Church of Christ, Huntingburg, Indiana, 4:00 p.m. |
The Evansville Chapter's web-page is now available for your viewing pleasure at www.evansvilleago.org. You will be amazed at what you see! Thanks to Ken Woods for getting the ball rolling some months ago and to Neal Biggers, David Motz, and What Otis for their help in bringing this dream to fruition. |