APRIL, 2002
Evansville AGO Pipe Logo

The success of our current season demonstrates the benefit that A.G.O. membership provides for you, for our community and for our profession.  Our meeting on May 20, 2002* will wrap up a very good year of informational programs (improvisation master class, organ and choral repertoire sessions, Keyboard Kaleidoscope for children and youth, organ craw), inspiring performances (by Robert Delcamp as well as local organists), and social events (summer social and pre-program meals).    We also received terrific newspaper and television publicity, had good community participation, and raised over $1000 in connection with our Hymn-a-thon fundraiser, which will directly benefit our scholarship fund for young local organists and general programming of the chapter.   It has been a privilege to serve as your Dean during this exciting year.

Next season promises to be at least as productive and enjoyable as our current one.  Our Nominating Committee has served us well by nominating several new officers, including Kevin Ellerbusch (of Evansville/Newburgh) as chapter Dean for 2002-2003 and Daniel Wilkinson (Madisonville, KY) as Sub-dean, along with Dwight Huntly (Evansville) as an Executive Committee member at large.  (We thank Robert Nicholls who has completed a three-year term on the committee and Douglas O’Neill who has served as our University of Evansville connection during his visiting professorship there!) 

We are already beginning to plan programs for 2002-2003.  Some of our ideas so far include a program this fall celebrating the centenary of the organ in the historical St. Anthony’s Catholic Church on First Avenue in Evansville, a hand-bell reading session, informative programs offering some new ideas for running a successful church music program, and much more.  Due to popular demand, we’re hoping to have another summer organ social (Note: we’re currently hoping for a volunteer to host the social in their home or other suitable space). 

All these events and more are made possible by your membership in our chapter.  Your membership fees, your willingness to share time and talents to help implement events, and your commitment to attend and spread the word about our events are what will make it a successful season.

Please return the enclosed form and your membership fee by June 15, 2002, and expect a full report on plans for a full season to come.


J. Neal Biggers, Dean
Evansville Chapter, American Guild of Organist


Don’t forget to call Jenni Taylor (812) 473-1907 with dinner reservations for Monday May 20th: 

  • Dinner at Weinbach’s Cafeteria at 6:00 p.m., 
  • Meeting and worship/installation service at Neu Chapel at 7:30.

POSITION AVAILABLE: Central United Methodist Church, Evansville: Choir Director