American Guild of Organists
Evansville Chapter Newsletter Website: www.evansvilleago.org |
St. John's East United Church of Christ
Members of our guild will present resources and demonstrations of accessible organ music for use during special seasons of the liturgical year. Dinner will be served at the church for $10.00 per person. Dinner reservations are needed by next Wednesday, November 14. Contact Kevin Ellerbusch at (812) 475-7972 (home) or 853-2946 (church) for more information and dinner reservations. If you can't make the dinner, come to the brief informational business meeting and to the program to enrich your repertoire of music for Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter and other special times in the church year. The Church is located at 7000 East Lincoln Avenue on the far east side of Evansville. |
JANUARY 14: Choral Reading Session. Joan Nevill will lead this event for AGO members and other choir directors on Monday evening at 7:30 at the Methodist Temple in Evansville. (Dinner at Turoni's near U.E. at 6:00 p.m.) FEBRUARY 18: Organ Concert by Dr. Robert Delcamp, Professor of Organ at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, featuring music of Marcel Dupre'. Monday evening at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Henderson, KY. MARCH 16: Local Young Organist Scholarship Audition and Keyboard Kaleidoscope, at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. that Saturday. APRIL 19-20: Hymn-a-thon fundraiser, hosted at several Tri-state locations. Volunteers needed to help plan. Contact Neal Biggers at 812-424-7382. MAY: Dinner, Chapter Business Meeting and Election and Installation of Officers. Date and location TBA. LOCAL CHAPTER MEMBER COMPETES IN NATIONAL IMPROVISATION COMPETITION One of the many AGO programs that helps the musical growth and education
of organists is the National Competition in Organ Improvisation, held in
conjunction with the National AGO Convention every other year. Robert
Nicholls, a member of our Evansville Chapter's Executive Committee, is
participating in the preliminary round of that competition this fall.
Winners of this preliminary round compete in the semifinals and finals,
to be held in Philadelphia in the summer of 2002. Robert made it
to the finals in the 2000 national improvisation competition. We
wish him well this time around!
American Guild of Organists
c/o 9 Chandler Avenue Evansville, IN 47713 |
Russicum, a five-member ensemble of professional singers from Russia will give a performance at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Henderson, Kentucky on Thursday, November 8 at 7:00 p.m., featuring Russian Orthodox liturgical music, Russian folk songs and more. No admission charge (an offering will be taken). THE ORGANS OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN
St. Paul's United Church of Christ, German Township, seeks an organist. Contact John Schmitt at (812) 477-5339 (work) or 476-2419 (home). Zion Evangelical United Church of Christ, historic church in downtown Evansville, seeks an organist. Contact the church office at (812) 425-7029 for more information. Newburgh Presbyterian Church is searching for an organist. One Sunday service and a Wednesday rehearsal. Position available beginning in November. Salary around $7000. Contact David Kishline, personnel chairperson, at (812) 853-5605. Choral Section Leader, soprano needed, for Sunday morning rehearsal
and service. $35.00 per Sunday. Contact Neal Biggers at (812)
The purpose of the American Guild of Organists is to promote the organ and its music in their historic and evolving roles, to encourage excellence in the performance of organ and choral music, and to provide a forum for mutual support, inspiration, and certification of Guild members. |