Evansville AGO Pipe Logo
Evansville AGO
Newsletter of the American Guild of Organists 
Evansville, Indiana Chapter
October/November, 2005
November 19th
Join us on Saturday November
19th as we visit the organs and have lunch
in the following places:

From 11:30-12:30 EST
Salem United Church of Christ
416 N Main Street
Huntingburg, IN 47542

Lunch from 12:45-1:45
Schnitzelbank Restaurant
393 E 3rd Avenue
Jasper, IN 47546

From 2:00-3:00 EST
St Joseph Church
1020 Kundek Street
Jasper, IN 47546

From 3:30-4:30
Sisters of St. Benedict
Convent Immaculate Conception
802 E 10th Street
Ferdinand, IN 47532

Another highlight on this day is the Christkindlmarkt in Ferdinand, which will be going on when we do our organ trip to Dubois County.  To find out more about it visit:

Feel free to come earlier or stay later to enjoy the Christkindlmarkt, but be sure to join us for the Organ Tour and Schnitzel.

Please RSVP to Tricia Clark tclark4525@yahoo.com or 812-490-3538 so that we may let Schnitzelbank Restaurant know how many of us will be having lunch.

For those who would like to carpool, we are meeting at 9:15 CST  at:
  Bethel United Church of Christ
  3029 N Green River Road
  Evansville, IN 47630
We will be leaving promptly at 9:30 CST.

Membership directories were mailed out in early October to all current members.  If you have not received a directory that probably means you have not yet renewed your membership.
If you have questions about your membership status, please contact Jenni Taylor at 473-1907 or dwt@evansville.net.
Two memberships were received after the directory was printed.  Please add this information to your directory.

Angela Choi
7824 Margaret Circle
Evansville, IN 47714
(H)303-7242 (C)760-2986

Shelley Heil
4588 Moray Dr.
Newburgh, IN 47630
e-mail: smheil@sigecom.net


For our September “Last Rose of Summer Social,” 26 of us had a delicious pork barbeque and potluck at the lovely setting of St. Margaret’s Chapel in Henderson, KY.  We were treated to computer slide shows and talks of global summer vacations.  Margaret Kimberling shared her trip that the Evansville Children’s Choir took to England.  Helen Reed exuded her excitement about attending the AGO Regional Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Neal Biggers shared his trip that included organs of the Netherlands.  Zach Guenzel enlightened us about the University of Evansville’s British Cathedrals course.  Dr. Douglas Reed spoke of his recording experience of “De Spiritum” by William Albright at the University of Michigan.

In October, 20 people were at the Church Music Workshop held at the University of Evansville.  Wayne Peterson, FAGO from Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Wayne, IN gave two workshops on organ skills at Neu Chapel.  Daniel Craig, Professor and Director of Choral Activities at the University of Southern Indiana shared Choral Repertoire.  Kristin Jones, Chancel Choir Director and Children’s Choir Coordinator from Aldersgate United Methodist Church gave a workshop on
Children’s Choral Programs.  Dr. Douglas Reed gave a session
on “New Hymns.”

We hope you can join us in magnificent Chicago! We now want to begin to tantalize you with some of the incredible musical opportunities that await you in the Windy City! For many years acclaimed as one of the great choirs on the planet, hear the SWEDISH RADIO CHOIR in breathtaking acoustics! Enjoy mother/son, piano/organ duo JEANNINE and ALAN MORRISON in recital in addition to our resident virtuoso DAVID SCHRADER! Many, many more exciting details to come! One-step registration begins December 1 and early registration closes January 31. ChicAGO 2006 is offering full on line registration. Check out our Web site at <www.agohq.org/2006> or find the forms in your upcoming issue of The American Organist Magazine.  See you in Chicago!

Dennis E. Northway, Ch.M.
Promotions Chair
2006 ChicAGO Convention


NEW YORK CITY—The American Guild of Organists (AGO) has received news of a comprehensive new source of information about the King of Instruments: the Organ Historical Society (OHS) Pipe Organ Database. The database is the most recent manifestation of a practice of cataloging pipe organs that began when the OHS was formed a half-century ago. It is quickly becoming the world's greatest single repository of organ stoplists and descriptions, providing comprehensive data for organ scholars and aficionados, alike.
The OHS Pipe Organ Database, sponsored by Birmingham–Southern College, opened to the public in May 2005. It currently documents nearly 20,000 organs located in the United States or built by North American organbuilders. The database can be accessed from the OHS home page, <www.organsociety.org>. Users can search for instruments based upon a variety of parameters: geographic location, builder, and date of completion. Members and friends of the AGO are encouraged to contribute information to the database by submitting additions and updates. Full participation by the organ playing and organbuilding communities will ensure that this database will become the largest and most valuable on-line organ resource in the world.

Contact: F. Anthony Thurman 212-870-2310, <fathurman@agohq.org>

Upcoming Concerts:

November 13, 2005 at  3:00 PM
Tom Drury
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
2300 Washington  Avenue
Evansville, IN

November 20, 2005 at 2:30 PM
Luba Tkachuk, Senior Recital
University of Evansville
Wheeler Hall
Evansville, IN