August, 2006
May Meeting Report:
The chapter met at St. John East United Church of Christ on Monday evening, May 8. Following an extra-special dinner provided by the Women of St. John East, the group conducted the Installation Service led by Chaplain Neal Biggers. This special service included the participation of St. John East choir, conducted by Mark X. Hatfield, and University of Evansville organ students Karol Farris, Zachary Guenzel, Cal Leferink, Patrick Ritsch, and Matthew Vanover. The following officers and other executive committee members were installed:Doug Reed, Dean
Tom Drury, Sub-Dean
Tricia Clark, Secretary
Jenni Taylor, Treasurer
Rhoda Martin, Member-at-large (3/3)
Kathy Herdel, Member-at-large (2/3)
Beverly Lacy, Member-at-large (1/3)
Neal Biggers, Chaplain
Carolyn Adams, Historian
Helen Skuggedal Reed, Education Coordinator
Matthew Vanover, UE AGO liaisonMeeting Schedule for 2006-2007:
During the summer months, the Executive Committee has met several times to plan programs and projects for the coming year. Here is the schedule of activities for the Fall. Please mark your calendars now and plan to support your colleagues in these activities.September 11 (Monday) Dinner meeting, St. Lucas United Church of Christ, Evansville October 1 (Sunday) World Communion Psalm Festival, First Presbyterian Church, 609 S.E. Second St., Evansville. 4:00 p.m. November 12 (Sunday) Milton Z. Tinker Memorial Concert, St. John United Church of Christ, 314 Market St., Evansville, 4:00
September 11 Meeting: “The Last Rose of Summer” Dinner Meeting at St. Lucas United Church of Christ, EvansvilleThe Evansville AGO chapter and invited guests will meet on Monday evening, September 11 at St. Lucas UCC, 33 West Virginia St., Evansville. The dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. Cost of the meal will be $10. Please call or e-mail Tricia Clark with your dinner registration by Wed., Sept 6: 812-490-3538;
Following dinner, our program will feature brief reports (“What I Did on My Summer Vacation”) from guild members. So far we have reports on national conventions of the AGO (Chicago), the RCCO (Halifax, Nova Scotia), the Organ Historical Society (Saratoga Springs, NY), the Hymn Society of America, and more. If you would like to make a report, please call or email Doug Reed (812-488-2877;
After the reports, we will move into the sanctuary for the musical portion of the program. Several members will perform, and there will be time for everyone to try the organ.
Evansville AGO and Indiana Choral Directors Association Collaborate on October 1 World Communion Psalm FestivalDuring the summer, Joseph Choi, Tom Drury, Mark Hatfield, Robert Nicholls, and Doug Reed have been creating a service of Psalm singing for World Communion Sunday, October 1 at First Presbyterian Church, 609 S.E. Second Street, Evansville, at 4:00 p.m. As many choirs as possible will gather at a 3:00 p.m. rehearsal to participate in this special event co-sponsored by the Indiana Choral Directors Association. The emphasis will be on unison Psalm so as to make it possible for anyone and any choir to participate. This will be a prime opportunity for your choir—no matter how small or large—to experience the sheer joy of singing with a large group of energetic singers! This will be a service of worship with no spotlight on a particular choir.
Music packets will be sent out to choir directors well in advance for preparation. If your choir would like to participate in this special service, please contact Joseph Choi ( who will send you the service Psalms and hymns.
November Meeting to Highlight Milton Z. TinkerOn Sunday, November 12, the Evansville AGO will hold a concert at St. John UCC, 314 Market St., to celebrate the principal founder of Evansville’s music heritage, Professor Milton Z. Tinker. The program will be dedicated mostly to music for organ and instruments (or voice). If you would like to perform, please write or call Doug Reed (488-2877 or
Milton Z. Tinker was the first music teacher in the city, directed the choir of Walnut St. Presbyterian Church for many years, and established a strong music education curriculum in the city’s schools. The official dedication of the new Evansville Soldier’s and Sailor’s Memorial Coliseum on Easter Sunday, 1917, kicked off a weeklong “Fanfaronade” to raise money for a pipe organ for the Coliseum in memory of Milton Z. Tinker. Dozens of community organizations and hundreds of school children participated.
In 1919, the city of Evansville, Vanderburgh County, and Evansville College pooled resources to purchase the 4-manual Möller pipe organ that had been built for the Methodist Centenary celebration in Columbus, Ohio. The organ, although in need of much repair, still resides in the Coliseum.
Watch for more details on this special program scheduled for November 12.
Calendar of EventsSeptember 11 “Last Rose of Summer” dinner meeting, St. Lucas UCC (see story)
October 1 World Communion Psalm Festival, First Presbyterian Church (see story)
October 19 University Organ Series: Francesco Cera, organ and harpsichord, Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 7:30 p.m. (free)
From The Dean….This has been an exciting summer of activities for many of our members. I am looking forward eagerly to reports at our Sept. 11 meeting from those who attended conventions this summer. Attending conventions is an excellent way to re-charge our creative batteries and to get new ideas about what we can do in our positions back home. These conventions also give us a perspective on the wonderful musical heritage that has come down to us in our area.
While writing this, I am preparing to leave on an organ study tour to Germany, which among other things will be a “scouting trip” in preparation for the proposed organ study tour by the University of Evansville AGO next May. And speaking of which, the UE AGO has produced a new CD recording, “TOCCATAS…and More” to help fund the study trip. If you don’t have your copy of this outstanding recording yet, get in touch with UE AGO dean, Matt Vanover ( to purchase a copy. At the risk of “rushing the season,” maybe it’s not too early to think about Christmas presents…….
The Evansville AGO chapter can be very proud of its forty-six year history of activities in Evansville and the surrounding region. It is not too soon to be thinking about our 50th anniversary. If you have ideas about how we should celebrate this milestone, speak or write to me or to someone on the Executive Committee.
I look forward to seeing you on September 11.
All best,
DUES are DUE!!!!
If you have not paid your dues, please do so immediately so as to make sure your name is listed in our chapter directory. If you need a membership form, contact Jenni Taylor: .
The Hulda Hass Memorial Organ Scholarship at St. John’s United Church of Christ, Boonville, INPurpose:
To start a talented keyboard musician on the path of studying sacred music on the pipe organ with the eventual goal of increasing the number of qualified organists in the Tri-State area.Who Can Apply?
Any high school student that has completed substantial piano or keyboard study, and who lives within a 60-minute drive of Boonville, Indiana.How Do I Apply?
By completing the application and auditioning before the Scholarship Committee at a date that will be announced and communicated later.How Will the Recipient Be Chosen?
Scholarship Candidates will be evaluated on a number of criteria-- including but not limited to-- audition performance, general musical ability, character, financial need, and academic performance at her or his school. References and comments from school officials and/or the Candidates keyboard instructor(s) will likely be solicited. The ultimate decision of the Scholarship Committee will be final, and cannot be appealed.*What will the Scholarship Provide?
The recipient will have the opportunity to take lessons from an approved Instructor of Pipe Organ with the cost of weekly instruction to be subsidized at the rate of 70% of the cost of the teacher’s usual fee up to a maximum of $1,400.00 annually. The remaining portion of the fee for the lessons, the cost of required practice manuals and music, and the cost of purchasing organ shoes will be borne by the recipient.A qualified recipient will be allowed to practice on St. John’s pipe organ if convenient – provided that she or he has the maturity to use it properly and that the recipient’s practice schedule does not interfere with our present organist’s practice time or other church activities.
What Will We Ask of the Recipient?
That he or she take pipe organ lessons on a weekly basis year round, practice diligently, and progress satisfactorily. The recipient will be expected to perform at St. John’s United Church of Christ at least once in each six-month period of time, but will encouraged to do so more often.* The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to refrain from awarding the scholarship should no acceptable candidate be found
AGO Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2005/2006
AGO Evansville Chapter ended the 2005/06 fiscal year in very good condition. We had 60 members for the 2005/06 year and to date have 32 new and renewing members for the 2006/07 year. If you have not yet renewed your membership, please do so soon. If you need a membership form contact Jenni Taylor at 473-1907 or Mamie Dufford “fundraiser” was very successful financially even though participation was slim; thanks in large part to one very generous donor who has asked to remain anonymous. Donations to the fund totaled $5275.00 for the year: $5050.00 from the “fundraiser” and $225.00 given along with dues. The Mamie Dufford Scholarship Fund (which supports awards given annually to young organ students) is held at Hilliard Lyons and ended the year with a total value of $22,765.88. The Convention ’97 account, also held at Hilliard Lyons, ended the year with a value at $16,984.99. These two funds together with a checking account balance of $2,501.42 gave us an ending chapter asset balance of $42,252.29 as of June 30, 2006. This is an increase of $9369.78 since July 1, 2005.
Beginning Balance in Checking (7-1-05) $836.10
Member Dues $4998.00
Donations to Chapter 870.00
Donations to Dufford Fund 225.00
Transfer from Dufford Fund 500.00 (for scholarship awards)
Catering 350.00
Fall Workshop 175.00
Dufford Fundraiser 5050.00
Pedals, Pipes, & Pizza 180.00
Scholarship Auditions Fees 20.00
Total $12,368.00Expenses
Dues to National $2167.50
Supplies/Postage 424.81
Pipedreams Underwriting 940.00
Arts Council Membership 50.00
Catering 398.73
Pedals, Pipes, & Pizza 106.64
Honorariums 150.00
Concert Expenses 50.00
UE Sacred Music Festival 500.00
Dufford Scholarship Fund 5415.00
Dufford Scholarship Awards 500.00
Total $10,702.68Ending Balance in Checking (6-30-06) $2501.42
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