Henderson Presbyterian Church
Henderson, Kentucky
27 Ranks/22 Stops
Great (Manual I):
Bourdon 16
Principal 8
Rohrfloete 8
Octave 4
Waldfloete 2
Mixture IV 2'
Trumpet 8
ChimesSwell (Manual II):
Viola di Gamba 8
Gedackt 8
Viox Celeste 8, tc
Floeten Principal 4
Nasat 2-2/3
Italian Principal 2
Terz 1-3/5
Mixture IV 1'
Cromorne 8 (French Style)
TremulantSwell/Great Coupled (Manual III)
Subbass 16
Open Bass 8
Subbass 8, extension
Choral Bass II (4' plus 2')
Posaune 16
Trumpet 8
Great to Pedal
Swell to PedalMechanical key action
Electrical stop action
Combination Action:
Swell: 5 thumb pistons
Great: 5 thumb pistons
Pedal: 5 toe pistons
General: 8 thumb pistons duplicated by toe pistons
General Cancel
Former Presbyterian Churches in Henderson:
First Presbyterian Church
(Destroyed by fire, located at site of the current Presbyterian Church of Henderson)
Former Central (or Second) Presyberian Church
Henderson, KY
(Still standing, as of January 2011 and used by another church.)
From the Organ Historical Society Website:
Henderson, KY. First Presbyterian. Hook & Hastings (1894, Opus 1604) 3 manuals. 32 registers.
Henderson, KY. Presbyterian. E. & G. G. Hook & Hastings (1877, Opus 862) 2 manuals. 21 registers.
Old First Presbyterian Church photo from the Henderson County Library archives.
Central Presbyterian Postcard accessed on January 24, 2011 from website:
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