

This information is offered free of charge for the benefit of local organists, choir directors, religious and educational institutions.  Postings may be sent to evansvilleago@yahoo.com. Postings will remain for up to six month unless notified otherwise, and may be renewed upon request.  The Evansville AGO does not guarantee that postings are up-to-date.

Salem Church of Darmstadt is looking for an organist/pianist. Substitutes are also needed. Contact Lori Schmitt at lmswim1961@gmail.com or 812-431-3300. Posted January 2025.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Henderson, KY is seeking a musician(s) to play organ (3-manual Wicks) and/or piano for their 10:00 am Sunday services and occasional special services. A small choir helps lead the singing but does not currently have regular rehearsals. The church would like to hire a regular organist/pianist, but would also be open to having more than one musician playing occasionally as available. For more information please email Martha at jclerk49@yahoo.com or call the church office at 270-826-2937. Renewed January 2025.

Community Church of Vincennes
is seeking an organist. This person also would play keyboard when the Praise Team leads worship music.  For more information please contact Shelly M. Bitner, MM--Music Director, Community Church of Vincennes, 1548 S. Hart Street Rd., Vincennes, IN  47591, (812) 882-2220, Ext. 733.
Posted October 2024

Salem Church in Huntingburg, Indiana, Music Ministry Positions:
We are currently looking for someone(s) for our music ministry in one or more of our open positions: Pianist, Choir Director, and/or Organist. This ministry is for our traditional service that happens twice a month. The positions can be combined if someone is qualified for multiple positions. For the instrument enthusiast, we have a beautiful Casavant Pipe Organ and a wonderful Schimmel grand piano in a historic setting waiting for the right person(s). Compensation will be provided for all positions. If interested, please call our church oƯice at 812-683-2213 for more information or email salemsecretary202@gmail.com.
Salem Church, 202 E. 4th St. Huntingburg, Indiana 47542
Post updated August 2024.

St. Joseph Catholic Church in Jasper Indiana is searching for an organist. Recently refurbished Holtkamp pipe organ. For more information please contact Paula Alles at 812-631-2625 or <alles.paula@gmail.com>. Posted June 2024.

Central United Methodist Church in Evansville, IN:
We are  currently looking for someone for our music ministry: a Pianist and or Organist. This position is for our traditional service that is scheduled at 9:15 every Sunday.  We have a choir that needs an accompanist for practice each Wednesday (Choir takes the summer off - June through September).If interested, please call Ken at 812-204-7710, the church office at 812-435-8284 or email us at cumc@central-churgh.org.
Posted March 2024.

Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church is seeking an organist/pianist for Sunday morning worship and other special services. The organist/pianist would also accompany the Morningside Choir, other singers, and instrumentalists presenting special music during these services. We would prefer to hire a single person for this position, but would be open to having more than one musician share the position. For more information or to apply for the position, please contact Michelle McConnell at morningsidecpchurch@gmail.com.
Posted July 2023.

Organist Position – Trinity Lutheran Church in Darmstadt
(1401 W. Boonville-New Harmony Road, Evansville, Indiana) is seeking an organist to play liturgical and sacred music for Sunday morning and special services.  The organist would also accompany the vocal choir and conduct the handbell choir for one rehearsal per week and on Sunday morning.  The organ is a 3-manuel digital Rodgers Infinity 361-II, purchased in 2018.  The position is available at the beginning of 2023.  Salary follows the Guidelines for the Employment of Musicians in the Lutheran Church.  Please inquire to Pastor Stan Temme, 812-470-5007, pastor@tldarm.org.  Posted December 2022.


A member of the Evansville AGO Chapter has three instruments available, free for the taking, located in New Harmony: an Allen organ, a reed/pump organ and a Hamilton upright piano. Email evansvilleago@yahoo.com for more information. Posted August 2024.
Instruments available: Allen Organ, pump organ,
                Hamilton Piano

Hammond Organ for sale in Evansville.
Photos below. According to the current owner it is in very good condition and plays like it is new. Contact Charlina at trice.charlina@yahoo.com or 678-997-0228 for more information. Posted November 2023.

Electone ME-55A
used digital instrument available in the Evansville area, two partial manuals and one octave of pedals. Email rlship@hotmail.com for more information. Posted August 2023.

Wicks pipe organ at the former Zion United Church of Christ in Henderson, KY.  Seven-rank unified Wicks. See our local organs page for more info about the organ.  Posted July 2021

1890 Story & Clark pump organ available in southern Indiana.  "The organ is in great condition...no broken keys, and all keys, stops, and both paddles work.  John Medcraft went through it several years ago and got everything in tip top shape.  I'm not able to pump it any more, or I wouldn't be selling it.  My contact info is lazyb2733@gmail.com."  Posted March 2020.
Reed organ for
