Online Newsletter of the
American Guild of Organists
Evansville, Indiana Chapter March 2012 HOME NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES |
Tuning and Maintenance Workshop at the University of Evansville.
Special thanks goes to Robert Nicholls, participants from the U.E. Student Chapter,
and U.E. Chaplain Tammy Gieselman.
Pedals, Pipes and Pinot. A special thanks goes to the staff at Redeemer Lutheran,
Robert Nicholls, Helen Reed, Barbara Waite and other chapter members.On Sunday afternoon April 22, 2012 our chapter will sponsor a recital in Honor of Dr. Douglas Reed's teaching career, at First Presbyterian Church in Evansville. Four highly successful former students of Dr. Reed's will be returning to Evansville to perform in this recital. It will begin at 4:00 p.m., followed by a very special dinner. You will soon be receiving a letter about cost for the meal and RSVP information.
Pedals, Pipes and Pizza at First Christian Church in Owensboro.
Special thanks goes to Phyllis Newman, Evalyn Champion and Neal Biggers.
Hymn playing workshop hosted by Tom Drury at Trinity United Methodist
with Robert Nicholls as presenter.
Click here to see and print out the handout Robert presented at the hymn playing workshop. It demonstrates many simple things one can do with a hymn tune to add variety to one's hymn accompaniments and improvisations.
On Monday evening May 7, 2012 we will have our annual May Dinner/Chapter Meeting/Recital at St. Mary Catholilc Church. The recital, which will include a brief installation service for our officers, will feature the new pipe organ at St. Mary Church. We invite chapter members to play for this recital. Please contact Neal Biggers as soon as possible if you would be willing to play a piece or hymn on this program (nealbiggers@yahoo.com).
Our 2012 Nominating Committee, Kristin Jones and Helen Reed, has submitted the following slate of officers for our next season:
Dean, Neal Biggers, CAGO
Sub Dean, Carolyn Howard, CAGO
Secretary, Matthew Vanover
Treasurer, Carol Grimm
Membership Coordinator (continuing), Barbara Waite
At Large, 3 year term, Shelley Heil
At Large, continuing (2 yr), Betty Altheide, SPC
At Large, continuing (1 yr), Margaret Kimberling
Historian (continuing), Carolyn Adams
Chaplain (continuing), Dan Wilkinson
Immediate Past Dean, Robert Nichols, FAGO
The chapter will vote on new officers at its May meeting. According to national AGO Bylaws, additional nominations may be made by petitions signed by at least five (5) Chapter Voting Members in good standing. Such petitions must be received by the current Secretary by the middle of April.
Remember that it is not too late to sign up for the National AGO Convention to be held in Nashville this summer. Several of our chapter members are planning to attend. Single day registrations are available.
Renewals for the 2012-2013 season will begin soon. If you have questions about membership, please contact our membership coordinator, Barbara, at alcbjw@insightbb.com and we will contact you when our new membership registration forms are available.
Our Executive Committee is in the process of developing Operating Procedures for our chapter. You may view a draft of the procedures here. We welcome feedback and suggestions before we vote on the procedures at our May chapter meeting.
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